
News from the versioned universe

VersionPress 1.0.1 Released

While we're working on the v2 release, a couple of issues have been found in VersionPress 1.0 and we're releasing a bug fix release for it today.

Main changes are:

  • Bulk changes now display better change messages (technically, the changes were tracked fine in v1.0 already, just with incorrect messages)
  • Nginx is tested and supported
  • Several bug fixex

You can find all the details in the release notes.

Release versioning

At this point it could be useful to talk a bit about how we version VersionPress (pun intended).

Like WordPress itself, we use two numbers for regular releases and three version numbers for bugfix releases. So when you see 1.0, you know it's a main release, and when you see 1.0.1 you know it's a bugfix release. Unlike WordPress, though, we intend to bump the major number pretty often so our release chain will be something like 1.0 → 2.0 → 3.0 etc. We typically won't have minor releases like 1.1, 1.2 etc. and we hope we typically won't have many bugfix releases either 🙂

More about the versioning scheme can be found on this docs page.

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