Docker-based hosting

WordPress hosting with dedicated resources and useful developer features hosting runs on Google Cloud and provides fast, reliable & developer-friendly platform.

Workflows on hosting

What people say about

Jan StetinaDeveloper, Toolset

Database merging is an important problem to solve, I'm a big fan of VersionPress!

Karolina VyskocilovaWordPress developer, Kybernaut

As a developer, I want to have websites under my control. gives me live & staging environments, WP-CLI and excellent support.

Adam LaitaPerformance specialist, is my preferred WordPress hosting: fast & great value for money.

Built on containers

Containers combine the advantages of shared hosting and VPS's: you get dedicated resources, high security and availability while keeping the cost down.


The platform is built on Docker and Kubernetes, industry-leading technologies.

Google Cloud

First-class infrastructure, data centers around the world, fast network. Google Cloud has been a great partner.

Dedicated resources

Your RAM is your RAM, your CPU is your CPU.


Containers are lightweight and fast; we always care about performance of your sites.

With each account, you get free sites for development.

Modern technologies

Our philosophy is to support the latest and greatest – we believe that there are enough hosts offering legacy technologies already.


All sites get PHP 7. Orange and red versions, incl. 5.6, are not supported.

Nginx web servers

Nginx is a faster web server than Apache, we use it for all sites.


All sites get HTTP/2, which also means they are HTTPS, and HTTPS-only.


WP-CLI is an awesome way to manage WordPress sites, we support it out of the box.

With each account, you get free sites for development.

Time-saving tools

Your web platform should be more than "just hosting". We value your productivity.

Beautiful user portal

With minimalism in mind, the portal focuses on what's important. No cPanels here!

Full SSH

All your favorite tools like WP-CLI, Git, Composer or :wq.

Helpful logs

With a lovely web UI and full-text search, it will be there when you need it.

Web terminal

You'll love this: get a terminal session right from your browser.

With each account, you get free sites for development.



  • 1 production site
  • Unlimited dev sites
  • Staging with DB merging
$19/moGet startedFull details


  • 10 production sites
  • Unlimited dev sites
  • Staging with DB merging
$129/moGet startedFull details


  • 30 production sites
  • Unlimited dev sites
  • Staging with DB merging
$299/moGet startedFull details

Full technical details

 Free development sitesSoloDeveloperAgency
Monthly price$19$129$299
Production sites-11030
Disk storage per site5 GB5 GB5 GB5 GB
Memory (RAM) per site160 MB320 MB320 MB320 MB
Container technologyDocker / KubernetesDocker / KubernetesDocker / KubernetesDocker / Kubernetes
Node typesRecycled VMsHigh-performanceHigh-performanceHigh-performance
Cloud providerGoogle CloudGoogle CloudGoogle CloudGoogle Cloud
Web servernginxnginxnginxnginx
PHP version7.x7.x7.x7.x
Free SSL
Uptime expectation-99.9 %99.9 %99.9 %
Daily backups✖️
Daily backups retention-90 days90 days90 days
Saved states
Saved states retention
Staging environment
Database size limit50k rows50k rows50k rows50k rows
DB via SSH tunnel
Git deployThird-partyThird-partyThird-partyThird-party
Site collaboration
Company billingN/A